A study known as “The Forgotten Middle” reveals eighth grade as the ‘deadline’ that most accurately predicts a child’s success in college and beyond. More than a child’s demographic or gender, math scores better predict the likelihood a student will one day reach college and graduate into a successful career. Middle school students, in particular, struggle with keeping up at the accelerated pace and that can be detrimental to students who need to pass mathematics in order to graduate. I know, that is huge!! That means teachers must re-teach much of what was covered the school year prior and then try and get through all the material that is needed for the year ahead. But students, regardless of socio-economic backgrounds, lose 2 to 3 months of math knowledge over the summer. Summer is coming!!! Do you have a plan on how to keep your students engaged in mathematics over their 6 to 8 week summer? I know, I know, getting a middle school kid to do anything is a chore! Getting them off their screens for a moment to talk is asking a lot.
Tips to keep their math skills strong over the summer